Through the Power of AutoXML Tech

Building strongest Artificial Intelligence

with highest quality data.

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About 3K AI Center

3K AI Center is AI lab powered by 3K Soft AutoXML

We build world strongest AI with highest quality machine learning metadata

  • 3K Group’s international standard technology AutoXML becomes a springboard for global market
  • Leading the next generation IT technology with clear different from existing technologies
  • 3K Group is accelerating its global market through continuous R&D investment 

We don't believe in "garbage data"

“There is no such thing as garbage data. You can have a data solution which is garbage, but the data itself is not garbage.

“Massive amounts of data become difficult or nearly impossible to manage over time using traditional databases. AutoXML allows you to take control over your data today, to innovate for tomorrow.”

–Young Root Kim

Machine-Actionable Metadata

Utilizing AutoXML engines to mass produce data in a human viewable and machine-readable Industry-Specific Standard format, in order to support the needs of today’s corporations.

  • Highest Data Quality
  • Explainable AI
  • Enhanced Search
  • Highest Level of Analytics
  • Strong Unstructured Data
  • Any Platform, Any Device, Any OS, Any Language


AutoXML Basic

Big Data




세계 최초 ‘오토XML’ 기술 개발… 블록체인 기반 빅데이터-AI 플랫폼 구축

정보기술(IT) 솔루션 전문기업인 쓰리케이소프트(3K소프트)가 최근 인터넷프로그래밍언어(XML) 자동 생성 엔진인 오토엑스엠엘(AutoXML) 기반 플랫폼 원천기술을 세계 최초로 개발하고 4차 산업혁명의 핵심기술인 빅데이터·인공지능(AI)·블록체인 분야에 본격 진출한다고 밝혔다.

"XML사용땐 비디오·전자책·B2B 등 발전가능성 커"

세계 소프트웨어 언어연구 분야의 최고 권위자 중 한명인 제이미 카보넬(56) 카네기멜론대학(CMU)
언어공학연구소 소장은 “앞으로 디지털과 관련된 모든 문서에는 쓰리케이소프트의 기술이 필요하게 될 것”이라고 밝혔다.

Reach Us

3K AI Center, 179 Gangdong-daero, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea


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